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OIDC Standard


Not yet implemented, but should give you a general impression of how it will work Subscribe to the following issue:

To build your own login ui for your own application it is not necessary to have the OIDC standard included or any additional work that has to be done. However, it might make sense, if you want to connect your login to different applications especially if they are not in your control and they rely on the standard.

The following flow shows you the different components you need to enable OIDC for your login. OIDC Flow

  1. Your application makes an authorization request to your login UI
  2. The login UI takes the requests and sends them to the ZITADEL API. In the request to the ZITADEL API, a header to authenticate your client is needed.
  3. The ZITADEL API parses the request and does what it needs to interpret certain parameters (e.g., organization scope, etc.)
  4. Redirect to a predefined, relative URL of the login UI that includes the authrequest ID
  5. Request to ZITADEL API to get all the information from the auth request
  6. Create and update the session till the login flow is complete and the user is authenticated. Make sure to include the auth Request ID in the session
  7. Read the callback URL from the ZITADEL API
  8. Redirect to your application with the callback URL you got in the previous request
  9. All OIDC-specific endpoints have to be accepted in the Login UI and should be proxied and sent to the ZITADEL API